New Initiatives for Women and Children

Bartlett Housing is so grateful to be the recipients of component funds of Your Community Foundation of North Central West Virginia, Inc. (YCF) from The Women’s Giving Circle of North Central West Virginia (WGC). Awards are presented annually to several local charitable organizations, and this year we were fortunate enough to receive funding!

WGC funds will provide the opportunity for women who have been financially abused to gain the skills they need to get back on their feet and move toward a more prosperous future. Class are being held weekly for our residents and are specially tailored to the needs of each resident.

Bartlett also received funds from a private, local foundation to support our anti-bullying program and monthly children’s birthday parties. Weekly classes help kids, and their parent learns how to identify and prevent bullying. Additional funds from this private foundation support The Bartlett Birthday Project, a monthly event designed to ensure all of our children have a great birthday. The Bartlett Birthday Project is the brain-child of Hannah Trickett (pictured right with party goer’s), a local community member dedicated to making sure that all of our children have cupcakes, gifts, games, and FUN on their special day. If you would like to help Hannah and our kids have a memorable birthday, please contact Hannah on Facebook at